Sunday, March 22, 2015

Tips on Sharing Your Product

  Yesterday I mentioned that Zazzle may be a good place to put up designs since it seems to be more artist friendly but gets less traffic which means fewer sales.  I searched for tips for Zazzle sellers and found an interesting one here:

  The writer suggests putting designs on Pinterest and a social media site called Wanelo to get interest in your designs.  I'm on Pinterest but what is the other site?  Wikepedia says:

" Wanelo (“wah-nee-loh,” from Want, Need, Love) is a digital mall where people can discover and buy products on the internet. The site has over 12 million products posted by users from over 300,000 stores, including both large brands and independent sellers, like those found on Etsy."

   Hm, its slogan is "the digital mall on your phone."  That has definite potential to market CafePress or Zazzle designs, although most of its users are women.  I will have to figure out how to share these designs without getting marked as spam.  One tip on social media marketing that I learned was that for every 1 post that is marketing, I should put up 3 posts that are helpful to my followers.  I'm not sure how that would translate on a digital mall.  I'll have to think about how to integrate this tip into my plan for success on CafePress.  Do you have any tips for marketing your store on social media?

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